Choose From a Range of Courses That We Offer - Antser


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Delivery Methods

In House

Facilitated by our expert facilitator to your organisation, delivered in a classroom environment or remotely. These courses are suitable for organisations across the children and adult services.


Hosted and facilitated by our expert facilitator on Zoom. These courses are suitable for individuals such as social workers and safeguarding practitioners across the children, adult, and partner agencies services

Virtual Reality Enabled

Facilitated by our expert facilitator to your organisation. Using the VR headsets which are proven behaviour change tool to support the team around the child in understanding emotions, trauma and potential other triggers.

Court skills – Giving written and oral evidence to the court of protection

This highly specialised course supports participants in developing a better understanding of giving written and oral evidence to the court of protection
  • Adults and Transition 16+
Dementia care

Dementia care (Advanced skills)

This highly specialised course support participants to understand what dementia is, how it impacts on the person and those around them and how they can impact positively when providing direct support, assessing needs, and developing plans
  • Adults and Transition 16+  #
  • Health
Deprivation of liberty

Deprivation of Liberty in Health, Social care and Community Settings

This highly specialised course supports participants in developing a better understanding of what constitutes a deprivation of liberty and how to prevent and identify an unlawful deprivation of liberty
  • Adults and Transition 16+  #
  • Health

Deprivation of Liberty: Preparing for the future

This highly specialised course supports participants to understand and prepare for upcoming changes to the Deprivation of Liberty Frameworks when Liberty Protection Safeguards are implemented
  • Adults and Transition 16+  #
  • Health
Dignity in Care

Dignity in Care

This highly specialised course supports participants in developing an understanding of Dignity in Care in practice, including clarity of the legal responsibility they have to maintain dignity and respond to the poor practice of others
  • Adults and Transition 16+

Keeping Vulnerable Adults Safe Online

This highly specialised course will support participants working with adults that may be vulnerable online to understand the benefits and risks of the internet, and the action they can take to uphold human rights and facilitate safe online activity.
  • Adults and Transition 16+  #
  • Health
LGBTQIA+ Awareness

LGBTQIA+ Awareness

This highly specialised course supports participants in developing a better understanding of the language they use and consider and whether this promotes the rights of people who identify as LGBTQIA+.
  • Adults and Transition 16+

Motivational Interviewing

This highly specialised course supports participants in developing a better understanding of motivational interviewing, looking at a directive, person-centred structured approach to working directly with children, and families.
  • Adults and Transition 16+  #
  • Practical Core Skills

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